But now, let's recognize each and every one of them.
Do you remember,
The way that guy looked at you
Like he wanted to fight
Oh, I wonder why
Y'all each ended up hurt too.
Do you remember
Each of swing of his fists
They weren't well executed
But they felt so heavy duty
It hurt worse than a witch
Do you remember
How you retaliated
You kept hitting him back
But y'all didn't know how to act
when y'all strength evaporated
But for you, a fight didn't decide the rest of your life
It just made for a very interesting night
So do you remember
When you first saw her smile
She was the cute one
She was always fun
And her number you had speed-dialed
Do you remember
When y'all first went on a date
Y'all saw a good movie
Then got a bite to eat
And ended with a skate
Do you remember
Asking her dad the question
You were scared of the answer
He didn't want to hand her
But to him you were the best one
And now she's your wife
I hope she's there for the rest of your life
But do you remember
When a loved one passed away
Man, I know it hurt
It made you wanna curse
But they are at a better place
Do you remember
Hearing all the details
Too many things were said
You just wanted to go to bed
You really were not feeling well
Do you remember
The day at the funeral
All the people gathered around
As he was lowered to the ground
The day was gray and dull
Do you remember