We sneaked around all the time
Tried to live a white lie
But it was all for nothing
We had the time of our life
We thought we'd husband and wife
Now I realize that we should've been bluffing
And yet we kept trying to revive
What we thought couldn't die
Each other we weren't even loving
We finalized realized
We were living a lie
But we didn't want to cut our ties
In this disguise
We quickly realized
“just friends” is just a stage so we can deny.
We keep trying to hold on
But our love has been long gone
The foundation is crumbled stones
This love doesn't belong
Can't we admit to the wrong
This simple truth has been forever known
The rings are returned
For neither have earned
The rightful place we thought we should have
The remnants are burned
Let's take a right turn
Never go back, Not even laugh
We finally realized
We were living a lie
We cut our ties
And got on, with our on, life.
So finally
We are happy
It took too long to realize
That love is a choice
I can still hear that voice
It's what God showed me that night.