Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Emotions can only be described as everything
Sad, angry, depressed, ecstatic, bold, happy

Those are just a few of the emotions we feel
They help to protect us in a wondrous veil
When they're not making us want to go still
So be happy you can at least still feel ill.
Agony and pain may mean you can shrill.

When he is angry he is pretty ticked
Just wants to give someone a nice little lick
Not too many just a couple of good hits
The person deserves it for being a witch
Afterwards, his emotions will switch

Fear trickles in because he's done bad
He beat someone with everything he had
But hey, at least he is no longer mad
But he must now watch it or he'll be sad
It was his first time, he's sure it's the last

Then he sees how well one is doing
Jealousy kicks in, he's renewing
I mean, hey, there is no undoing.
He wants to be happy, no more fuming
He takes their stuff leaving his presence looming

Then he feels bad, I think you call this one guilt
He destroyed any good in life he thought he's built
He prepares to work the rest of his life in the fields
Sweating and betting he won't be able to live in his filth
Then he discovers Jesus and the alter on the hill

He gives his life to Jesus and he learns to forgive
This new found life has made him want to live
He does whatever he can, gives everything he can give
He wants to be happy again so he calls dibs
He is again happy, more happy than he can admit